,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(bg:(gradient: 0, 0.0096,#e619e5,0.7102,#3bc9db,1,#000000))[#//love x lore//]
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_b9f41470c7ca418c9d0ec1d49cfde643~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_600,h_450,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/front%20cover%202.png" width="1100px" height="800px"/>
<span style="font-size: 65%">//Trapped within the liminal space between planets Youterus and Earth, four tragic lovers attempt to reach their counterparts in the only way they’re allowed: a visit to The Raags for a game riddled with secrecy, mischief and a hint of immortalisation.
With stakes this high, who really has a choice?//</span>
(bg:(gradient: 0, 0.0096,#e619e5,0.7102,#3bc9db,1,#000000))+(text-style:"sway")[[[BEGIN|Context of Youterus]]]
<span style="font-size: 75%">[This RPG (role-playing game) is set inside the planet Youterus - which is both the interactive map through which this narrative can be charted, and the planet alluded to within the narrative itself.
Inside this world, Engodamy occurs.
This is the annual and year-long event of campaigning to decide the fate of Youterus: whether to preserve the hierarchy of caste which presently exists for the echelon race, or to abolish it temporarily until the following year.
In other words, Engodamy is the race to become [[God|Context of LXL]].]</span>
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/0f3719_d951ce1b5ed0445d89f3d75470fecd70.mp3" autoplay><span style="font-size: 55%">[Youterus is the planet from the worldbuilding imaginarium of Seema Mattu and is the setting for the retelling of the four tragic love stories of the Punjab: Heer/Ranjha, Mirza/Sahiba, Sassi/Punnun and Sohni/Mahiwal. These stories are said to preserve mortal love as entities in their own right.
In //SEEMAWORLD//, The Raags of planet Youterus are the highly spiritual, completely genderless, sex positive guardians of the future~life, and secret-keepers in the present life. This game is presented through the perspectives and voices of The Raags.
The newly commissioned work //love x lore// (2022) embarks on the portalling between planets Earth and Youterus through a series of RPG-style interactive short films. Choose your tragic lover, and through them, visit The Raags to embark on a choice-making saga of secret keeping and immortalisation.
[[ENTER|Instructions for LXL]]]</span>
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/0f3719_79d5207a08df488498c987e2214b87c0.mp3" autoplay><span style="font-size: 45%">[The liminal space between Earth and Youterus. That’s where you are right now.
Your lover is trapped inside an ancient Youteran tomb of tragedies, and your only way to reach them is through The Raags. Successful completion of this game will grant you a Foreveral. Only through that Foreveral, may you be reunited with your lover again.
//''What’s the aim of the game, you ask?''//
The more secrets that are shared, the more the liminal space shrinks until a lover becomes reachable again.
The Raags are secret keepers by nature - so they can’t actually reveal any secrets. They can, however, encourage you to share yours.
Upon starting the game, you will have the option to choose one of four ‘tragic lovers’ - whose circumstances you’ll learn of along the way. As the tragic lover you choose, your stakes in the game will be dependant on your own choice-making privileges.
(text-colour:black)[Within the questions, The Raags have also hidden some riddles for you. These are called //''Baatein''//, and are traditionally played aloud before sleep. Taking the position of the object in question, you would describe the object as if performing an action e.g. //the one who talks too much// might just be... a //television//.
For each Baat, you'll have 3 answers to choose from - and until you guess correctly, you will not be permitted to continue the game.
''Your secrets will not be saved or stored, so what do you have to lose?'']
]</span>(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Choose your tragic lover|'Choose your tragic lover']]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Heer|Choose Heer]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Mirza|Choose Mirza]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Sohni|Choose Sohni]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Sassi|Choose Sassi]]<span style="font-size: 40%">[''(pronounced as: heeeer)'' Most famously narrated by Waris Shah, Heer/Ranjha is a hugely popular Punjabi tragic love story. Ranjha got a job herding her father’s cattle and after a while, successfully completed his love mission. Heer too became captivated by his beautiful flute-playing. Their secret affair went on for a few years, until one day they were caught. Heer’s jealous uncle, Kaido, revealed the affair, and Ranjha was exiled from the village. Born into a high-caste trial of Jatts, Ranjha was the youngest and most favoured of four brothers and lived in a village nearby the river Chenab in Punjab. When his father passed, his brother’s refused to give him any share of the land - and was eventually forced to leave the village.
Ranjha came across Takht Hazara, a new village similar to his own. There, he encountered the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He fell in love with her immediately and made it his mission to make her fall in love with him too. Her name was Heer. Lost again, he wandered across Punjab, travelling from city to city until he met a group of Jogis (ascetics, hermits, devotees etc). Ranjha relinquished the material world and devoted the rest of his life to God. Now pious and holy, Ranjha returned to Takht Hazara, and Heer’s parents finally allowed for them to marry. The lovers rejoiced at the news - but this was cut short when the same jealous uncle intervened. In an attempt to sabotage their marriage, Kaido fed Heer food laced with poison - and it was already too late for Ranjha to save Heer. Struck with grief, he ended his life by eating the same food. The lovers were now united in death.
Heer and Ranjha are buried in Takht Hazara near Jhang, Punjab. Their graves are regularly visited by couples and families.]</span>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Play as Heer|Play as Heer]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Choose another|'Choose your tragic lover']]<span style="font-size: 50%">[''(pronounced as: mir-zaah)'' The Punjabi love story of Mirza/Sahiban emerged during the Mughal Era. Mirza was from Punjab, and belonged to a high-caste tribe of Jatts, whilst Sahiban belonged to the Sial tribe. The father's of both lovers were well-respected within their communities, so when Mirza when to Sahiban's town, Khivan, to study, he did not expect to fall in love immediately with the chief's daughter.
Soon after becoming lovers, Sahiban's marriage was arranged - but she sent a message to Mirza, who was attending the wedding of his own sister at the time. He left hastily for Sahiban's village, and, on his mare, took her away during the wedding ceremony itself. They hid in the first, but were eventually caught by Sahiban's brothers. Although Mirza was an expert archer, he was unable to defend himself.
Hoping to avoid any bloodshed, Sahiban has broken all of Mirza's arrows beforehand. Whilst he put up a fight, he was ultimately killed by her brothers. Sahiban immediately ended her life with Mirza's sword.
This love story is deeply engrained in Punjabi culture, and can often be found reference in Punjabi music.]</span>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Play as Mirza|Play as Mirza]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Choose another|'Choose your tragic lover']]<span style="font-size: 50%">[''(pronounced as: saw-nee)'' During the 18th Century, Sohni was born to a potter in the Punjabi province, Gujrat. She quickly became skilled in drawing floral designs on her father's pots. Mahiwal, (originally Izzat Baig) was an Uzbek trader from Bukara, whose business trips became more and more frequent after laying eyes on Sohni for the first time. They quickly fell in love, and Mahiwal eventually took another job to stay with Sohni and her family in their home. When rumours of their love began to spread, however, her parents arranged her marriage with another potter. As a reaction to this, Mahiwal became a hermit and renounced himself from the world.
But the lovers could not stop.
Every night, Mahiwal swam across a river to meet Sohni and brought her a roasted fish. It's said that, at one time, Mahiwal couldn't find a fish - so instead sliced a part of his leg off to roast it. As a result, he could no longer swim so Sohni used a earthern pitcher to help her swim across to Mahiwal instead. That was, until the pitcher was one day replaced with an unbaked one by Sohni's spy of a sister-in-law.
The pitcher dissolved in the river and, with it, so did Sohni. In his attempt to save her, Mahiwal drowned along with her.]</span>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Play as Sohni|Play as Sohni]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Choose another|'Choose your tragic lover']]<span style="font-size: 40%">[''(pronounced as: suh-see)'' When Sassi was born to the King of Bhambore, she was predicted to be a curse for the royal family. She was ordered to be put in a wooden box and discarded into the Indus River. She was found by a washerman, who decided to raise her as his own.
Punnun Khan was the son of a Baloch king, and was intrigued by the rumours of Sassi's beauty. He eagerly visited the washerman's home to see her, and fell in love immediately. Punnun asked the washerman to marry Sassi, who'd agree only if Punnun passes a trial as a washerman. Although he failed, the washerman was still convinced enough to give his daughter to him.
Punnun's family opposed the marriage, so his brothers attended the wedding to intoxicate Punnun and take him back to his family home. Sassi was devastated and delirious at the news, and ran barefoot through the desert towards Punnun's hometown in the hopes of a reunion. With blistered feet and parched lips, she eventually meets a shepherd whom she asks for help. He instead attempts to violate her. She escapes... barely.
By this stage, Sassi was now at breaking point and prayed for the mountains to split and bury her alive. When Punnun woke from his intoxication, the reality of his situation hit him. Like Sassi, Punnun ran towards Sassi's village. Upon reaching the mountain where Sassi was, he stumbled across the same shepherd - who revealed to him what had happened. In a burst of rage and grief, Punnun laments - and the earth swallows him up too.
Their graves still exist in the same valley.]</span>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Play as Sassi|Play as Sassi]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Choose another|'Choose your tragic lover']]<span style="font-size: 65%">Before you start the game, Heer, meet the secret-keeping sweethearts behind the chaos...</span>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_e563cdc876524f5685b0fd791bc96334~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_301,y_0,w_2140,h_2048/fill/w_470,h_450,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Untitled_Artwork%2011.png" width="650px" height="600px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Meet The Raags?|Heer: Meet The Raags]]<span style="font-size: 65%">Before you start the game, Mirza, meet the secret-keeping sweethearts behind the chaos...</span>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_aafac0f109a345f5b7465af15c3400be~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_433,y_0,w_1903,h_2048/fill/w_418,h_450,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Untitled_Artwork%209.png" width="625px" height="600px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Meet The Raags?|Mirza: Meet The Raags]]<span style="font-size: 65%">Before you start the game, Sohni, meet the secret-keeping sweethearts behind the chaos...</span>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_7922829645fd4bd89ba9facb47c782e1~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_369,y_0,w_1981,h_2048/fill/w_435,h_450,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Untitled_Artwork%2010.png" width="650px" height="600px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Meet The Raags?|Sohni: Meet The Raags]]<span style="font-size: 65%">Before you start the game, Sassi, meet the secret-keeping sweethearts behind the chaos...</span>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_a8ab0fb165624b508c8927f3eb38f1c8~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_269,y_0,w_2213,h_2048/fill/w_486,h_450,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Untitled_Artwork%201.png" width="650px" height="600px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Meet The Raags?|Sassi: Meet The Raags]](text-colour:black)[<span style="font-size: 50%">[Youterus' highly spiritual, completely genderless, sex positive guardians of the future~life, and secret-keepers in the present life. They travel by Kumuda’s (lotus flowers) and float among the skies as if an embodiment of the air itself. By nature, these siblings are secret-keepers - but also extremely mischievous and deceiving when making deals.
These beings are different to other races/species, because there are a number of different strands of Raag: Rang-Raags, Qalam-Raags and Taal-Raags, so their creative powers are dependant on their type.
The Raags you meet today, (text-colour:navy)[''Ooh-rah''], ''(text-colour:green)[Aer-rah]'' and (text-colour:red)[''Ee-reeh''], are each a different type of Raag.
Their ancestral line is godly. Thus, they have the kinds of powers that defy both nature and nurture - in fact, they combine the two to grant echelons' wishes through //Foreverals//.
As The Raags have been around for the longest time and are known to be immortal, people also go to them for confessionals.]</span>]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Let's play?|Let's play, Heer?]](text-colour:black)[<span style="font-size: 50%">[Youterus' highly spiritual, completely genderless, sex positive guardians of the future~life, and secret-keepers in the present life. They travel by Kumuda’s (lotus flowers) and float among the skies as if an embodiment of the air itself. By nature, these siblings are secret-keepers - but also extremely mischievous and deceiving when making deals.
These beings are different to other races/species, because there are a number of different strands of Raag: Rang-Raags, Qalam-Raags and Taal-Raags, so their creative powers are dependant on their type.
The Raags you meet today, (text-colour:navy)[''Ooh-rah''], ''(text-colour:green)[Aer-rah]'' and (text-colour:red)[''Ee-reeh''], are each a different type of Raag.
Their ancestral line is godly. Thus, they have the kinds of powers that defy both nature and nurture - in fact, they combine the two to grant echelons' wishes through //Foreverals//. Whenever a Foreveral is made, a Raag contracts it by saying: //''“Make an offering and you shall receive an offering.''//”
As The Raags have been around for the longest time and are known to be immortal, people also go to them for confessionals.]</span>]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Let's play?|Let's play, Mirza?]](text-colour:black)[<span style="font-size: 50%">[Youterus' highly spiritual, completely genderless, sex positive guardians of the future~life, and secret-keepers in the present life. They travel by Kumuda’s (lotus flowers) and float among the skies as if an embodiment of the air itself. By nature, these siblings are secret-keepers - but also extremely mischievous and deceiving when making deals.
These beings are different to other races/species, because there are a number of different strands of Raag: Rang-Raags, Qalam-Raags and Taal-Raags, so their creative powers are dependant on their type.
The Raags you meet today, (text-colour:navy)[''Ooh-rah''], ''(text-colour:green)[Aer-rah]'' and (text-colour:red)[''Ee-reeh''], are each a different type of Raag.
Their ancestral line is godly. Thus, they have the kinds of powers that defy both nature and nurture - in fact, they combine the two to grant echelons' wishes through //Foreverals//. Whenever a Foreveral is made, a Raag contracts it by saying: //''“Make an offering and you shall receive an offering.''//”
As The Raags have been around for the longest time and are known to be immortal, people also go to them for confessionals.]</span>]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Let's play?|Let's play, Sohni?]](text-colour:black)[<span style="font-size: 50%">[Youterus' highly spiritual, completely genderless, sex positive guardians of the future~life, and secret-keepers in the present life. They travel by Kumuda’s (lotus flowers) and float among the skies as if an embodiment of the air itself. By nature, these siblings are secret-keepers - but also extremely mischievous and deceiving when making deals.
These beings are different to other races/species, because there are a number of different strands of Raag: Rang-Raags, Qalam-Raags and Taal-Raags, so their creative powers are dependant on their type.
The Raags you meet today, (text-colour:navy)[''Ooh-rah''], ''(text-colour:green)[Aer-rah]'' and (text-colour:red)[''Ee-reeh''], are each a different type of Raag.
Their ancestral line is godly. Thus, they have the kinds of powers that defy both nature and nurture - in fact, they combine the two to grant echelons' wishes through //Foreverals//. Whenever a Foreveral is made, a Raag contracts it by saying: //''“Make an offering and you shall receive an offering.''//”
As The Raags have been around for the longest time and are known to be immortal, people also go to them for confessionals.]</span>]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Let's play?|Let's play, Sassi?]](bg:black)[Let us remind you of your background...]
<span style="font-size: 75%">[You’re a disproportionately curvy girl from a wealthy, high-caste family - and hopelessly in love with the poor flute boy from a nearby village, Ranjha. You become mesmerised by his flute playing, and upon falling in love you meet secretly for many years until you’re caught. You’re forced to wed someone worthy of your caste, however, whilst Ranjha renounces himself from the material world. Ultimately, you care about choosing your love. And what you do with that love.
''To reunite with Ranjha, you must share some secrets with us to grant your Foreveral.'']</span>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Go on...?|Raags explain forverals to Heer]]
(bg:black)[Let us remind you of your background...]
<span style="font-size: 75%">[You are a delicately creative potter, whose designs attract people from all corners of planet Earth - in particular, that of Mahiwal. He visits you every day to witness the beauty of you and your pots, and thus begins your love story. Separated for reasons of caste, however, your father instead forces your marriage to someone he approves of - and Mahiwal becomes a hermit in response too. Desperately, you spend every night crossing a nearby river to reach Mahiwal by using one of your most treasured pots to help you afloat. Slowly, it’s corroding.
''To reunite with Mahiwal, you must share some secrets with us to grant your Foreveral.'']</span>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Go on...?|Raags explain forverals to Sohni]](bg:black)[Let us remind you of your background...]
<span style="font-size: 75%">[Born reluctantly to a king, astrologers predicted that you’d be a curse for the royal family - so you were ordered to be put in a wooden box and discarded into a river. This is where you were found by a low-caste villager - and so became the child of a washerman. Fully embracing the darkness you possess in both appearance and spirit, you use your cursed beauty to defy rules imposed on you and will do anything to get what you want. This includes betraying your father, who wants you to preserve endogamy by marrying a washerman just like him. In pursuit of a rich prince, however, this will not stand. Sassi, you’re sassy.
''To reunite with Punnun, you must share some secrets with us to grant your Foreveral.'']</span>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Go on...?|Raags explain forverals to Sassi]]
<span style="font-size: 65%">[//''Foreveral''// is the name given to a deal made with The Raags - a secret in exchange for a granted wish.
Whenever a Foreveral is made, a Raag contracts it by saying: //''“Make an offering and you shall receive an offering.''//”
Usually, Youterans who come to us for Foreverals only need to share one secret to grant them a pretty hefty wish. But you’re not one of us. So several secrets will do. But don’t worry, we’ll ask you the questions - all you need to do is answer them honestly…]</span>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Ready to share your first secret?|Heer: Secret 1]]
<span style="font-size: 65%">[//''Foreveral''// is the name given to a deal made with The Raags - a secret in exchange for a granted wish.
Whenever a Foreveral is made, a Raag contracts it by saying: //''“Make an offering and you shall receive an offering.''//”
Usually, Youterans who come to us for Foreverals only need to share one secret to grant them a pretty hefty wish. But you’re not one of us. So several secrets will do. But don’t worry, we’ll ask you the questions - all you need to do is answer them honestly…]</span>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Ready to share your first secret?|Mirza: Secret 1]]
<span style="font-size: 65%">[//''Foreveral''// is the name given to a deal made with The Raags - a secret in exchange for a granted wish.
Whenever a Foreveral is made, a Raag contracts it by saying: //''“Make an offering and you shall receive an offering.''//”
Usually, Youterans who come to us for Foreverals only need to share one secret to grant them a pretty hefty wish. But you’re not one of us. So several secrets will do. But don’t worry, we’ll ask you the questions - all you need to do is answer them honestly…]</span>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Ready to share your first secret?|Sohni: Secret 1]]
<span style="font-size: 65%">[//''Foreveral''// is the name given to a deal made with The Raags - a secret in exchange for a granted wish.
Whenever a Foreveral is made, a Raag contracts it by saying: //''“Make an offering and you shall receive an offering.''//”
Usually, Youterans who come to us for Foreverals only need to share one secret to grant them a pretty hefty wish. But you’re not one of us. So several secrets will do. But don’t worry, we’ll ask you the questions - all you need to do is answer them honestly…]</span>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Ready to share your first secret?|Sassi: Secret 1]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What's your favourite thing about your ex?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Baatein H: 1]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "Why did your parents really send you away?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_6f70c44cdd2041e98c3779e554429ee8~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_191,y_0,w_1386,h_2732/fill/w_406,h_801,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ooh-rah%20png%203.png
" width="500px" height="1000px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Baatein M: 1]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "How far would you go to disobey your parent/guardian?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Baatein So: 1]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "Who did you think about most yesterday and why?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:black)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Baatein Sa: 1]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "Name something your sibling has done that you've never forgotten.",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Heer: Secret 4]]''(text-colour:red)[BAAT 1:]''
''//Here I come.//''
''ਚੱਲ ਮੈ ਆਇਆ''
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Knob|B1 M NO]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Door|Mirza: Secret 3]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Pink|B1 M NO]]''(text-colour:red)[BAAT 1:]''
''//Here I come.//''
''ਚੱਲ ਮੈ ਆਇਆ''
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Pink|B1 H NO]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Knob|B1 H NO]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Door|Heer: Secret 3]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What's your favourite thing about your ex?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Mirza: Secret 4]]''(text-colour:red)[BAAT 1:]''
''//Here I come.//''
''ਚੱਲ ਮੈ ਆਇਆ''
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Door|Sohni: Secret 3]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Pink|B1 So NO]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Knob|B1 So NO]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "Who did you think about most yesterday and why?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:black)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Sohni: Secret 4]]''(text-colour:red)[BAAT 1:]''
''//Here I come.//''
''ਚੱਲ ਮੈ ਆਇਆ''
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Pink|B1 Sa NO]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Door|Sassi: Secret 3]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Knob|B1 Sa NO]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "Tell us more about how you embrace your //darkness//?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_2278e91cd3924d9993873a0b2c3c94c6~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_887,w_2048,h_1845/fill/w_600,h_541,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/aer-rah%20png%205.png" width="1200px" height="1000px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Sassi: Secret 4]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What do you think Ranjha thinks of your curves?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Heer: Half-way point]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What do you really think about Valmiki people?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Mirza: Half-way point]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "Name something your sibling has done that you've never forgotten.",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Sohni: Half-way point]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "Why do you think it was predicted that you would be a curse for your family?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_094d7a00ad2b46668fbddf263927609c~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_652,y_34,w_700,h_2643/fill/w_205,h_775,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Ee-reeh%20png%205.png" width="300px" height="1000px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Sassi: Half-way point]]You've reached the half-way point, well done!
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_2bcfe70368ab401abc576622e0e7bca4~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_662,w_2048,h_2070/fill/w_600,h_607,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Ee-reeh%20png%202.png" width="1000px" height="950px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Keep going!|Baatein H: 2]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[I give up|Front page]]You've reached the half-way point, well done!
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_2bcfe70368ab401abc576622e0e7bca4~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_662,w_2048,h_2070/fill/w_600,h_607,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Ee-reeh%20png%202.png" width="1000px" height="950px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Keep going!|Baatein M: 2]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[I give up|Front page]]You've reached the half-way point, well done!
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_2bcfe70368ab401abc576622e0e7bca4~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_662,w_2048,h_2070/fill/w_600,h_607,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Ee-reeh%20png%202.png" width="1000px" height="950px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Keep going!|Baatein So: 2]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[I give up|Front page]]You've reached the half-way point, well done!
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_2bcfe70368ab401abc576622e0e7bca4~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_662,w_2048,h_2070/fill/w_600,h_607,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Ee-reeh%20png%202.png" width="1000px" height="950px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Keep going!|Baatein Sa: 2]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[I give up|Front page]]''(text-colour:red)[BAAT 2:]''
//''There's a tall man, who has no shadow.''//
''ਇਕ ਲਮਬਾ ਸ਼ਮਬਾ ਆਦਮੀ ਓਹਦਾ ਪਰਛਾਵਾਂ ਹੈ ਨਹੀਂ''
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Road|Heer: Secret 5]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Ghost|B2 H NO]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Floor|B2 H NO]]''(text-colour:yellow)[BAAT 2:]''
//''There's a tall man, who has no shadow.''//
''ਇਕ ਲਮਬਾ ਸ਼ਮਬਾ ਆਦਮੀ ਓਹਦਾ ਪਰਛਾਵਾਂ ਹੈ ਨਹੀਂ''
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Ghost|B2 M NO]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Road|Mirza: Secret 5]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Floor|B2 M NO]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What happened in 2017?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Heer: Secret 6]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "Name something your sibling has done that you've never forgotten.",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Mirza: Secret 6]]''(text-colour:yellow)[BAAT 2:]''
//''There's a tall man, who has no shadow.''//
''ਇਕ ਲਮਬਾ ਸ਼ਮਬਾ ਆਦਮੀ ਓਹਦਾ ਪਰਛਾਵਾਂ ਹੈ ਨਹੀਂ''
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Ghost|B2 So NO]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Floor|B2 So NO]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Road|Sohni: Secret 5]]''(text-colour:yellow)[BAAT 2:]''
//''There's a tall man, who has no shadow.''//
''ਇਕ ਲਮਬਾ ਸ਼ਮਬਾ ਆਦਮੀ ਓਹਦਾ ਪਰਛਾਵਾਂ ਹੈ ਨਹੀਂ''
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Floor|B2 Sa NO]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Ghost|B2 Sa NO]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Road|Sassi: Secret 5]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What do you think about Mahiwal's response to your situation (i.e. becoming a hermit), compared to your choice of crossing a river every night just to meet him?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_35c5e94747da4baba3720e7db9e76682~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_805,w_2048,h_1927/fill/w_600,h_565,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Ee-reeh%20png%201.png" width="1200px" height="1000px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Sohni: Secret 6]]What do you really think about Valmiki people?
Valmiki imagery - personal archive + Nilchelon characters?
At least one Raag in a exaggerated pose
(set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What do you really think about Valmiki people?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Sassi: Secret 6]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "Who did you think about most yesterday and why?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:black)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Baatein H: 3]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "If you could use your archery skills for something else, what would it be?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_2d56c369253349a69be29d08662b5f9c~mv2.jpg/v1/crop/x_569,y_0,w_1607,h_2048/fill/w_353,h_450,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/mirza%20bow%20and%20arrow.jpg" width="1200px" height="1200px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Baatein M: 3]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What's your favourite thing about your ex?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Baatein So: 3]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What's the worst thing you would do for money?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Baatein Sa: 3]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "How does Ranjha's flute satisfy you?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_aef66c9e078e4af9abd4a3c4baabc403~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_505,w_2048,h_2227/fill/w_600,h_653,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/aer-rah%20png%203.png" width="850px" height="850px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Heer: Secret 8]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/0f3719_211fed57aec2475196b0d8062e0b1be6.mp3" autoplay>''(text-colour:red)[BAAT 3:]''
//''A little girl, walking along with a plait in her hair.''//
''ਇਕ ਨਿੱਕੀ ਜੱਹੀ ਕੁੜੀ ਲੇ ਪਰਾਂਦਾ ਤੁਰੀ''
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Clips & grips|B3 H NO]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Needle & thread|Heer: Secret 7]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Dye & blow dry|B3 H NO]]''(text-colour:red)[BAAT 3:]''
//''A little girl, walking along with a plait in her hair.''//
''ਇਕ ਨਿੱਕੀ ਜੱਹੀ ਕੁੜੀ ਲੇ ਪਰਾਂਦਾ ਤੁਰੀ''
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Needle & thread|Mirza: Secret 7]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Dye & blow dry|B3 M NO]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Clips & grips|B3 M NO]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What happened in 2017?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Mirza: Secret 8]]''(text-colour:red)[BAAT 3:]''
//''A little girl, walking along with a plait in her hair.''//
''ਇਕ ਨਿੱਕੀ ਜੱਹੀ ਕੁੜੀ ਲੇ ਪਰਾਂਦਾ ਤੁਰੀ''
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Dye & blow dry|B3 So NO]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Clips & grips|B3 So NO]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Needle & thread|Sohni: Secret 7]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What do you hate most about being a potter?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Sohni: Secret 8]]''(text-colour:red)[BAAT 3:]''
//''A little girl, walking along with a plait in her hair.''//
''ਇਕ ਨਿੱਕੀ ਜੱਹੀ ਕੁੜੀ ਲੇ ਪਰਾਂਦਾ ਤੁਰੀ''
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Dye & blow dry|B3 Sa NO]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Needle & thread|Sassi: Secret 7]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Clips & grips|B3 Sa NO]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What's your favourite thing about your ex?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Sassi: Secret 8]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What do you really think about Valmiki people?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|End of secrets]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "Tell us about your plan to elope...",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_208ad46c383e4c01afb4eef8319ac0f1~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_573,w_2048,h_2159/fill/w_600,h_633,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ooh-rah%20png%202.png" width="850px" height="850px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|End of secrets]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What happened in 2017?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|End of secrets]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "Name something your sibling has done that you've never forgotten.",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|End of secrets]](text-colour:black)[So you've shared your secrets and answered your Baatein, but why not one final question...?]
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_53a406fb036b4d079f1f03e2941ca333~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_467,w_2048,h_1890/fill/w_600,h_554,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ooh-rah%20png%205.png" width="1050px" height="950px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Fine, hurry up...|Final Q]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[I don't want to play anymore|Front page]]Take a moment to reflect on your secrets...
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_cd899f742fff41dca1acb42c00c2703d~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_385,w_2048,h_2347/fill/w_600,h_688,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/aer-rah%20png%202.png" width="875px" height="950px"/>
Do you even want to reach your lover anymore?
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Grant me my Foreveral!|Door to tomb]]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Actually, no...|Front page]]
[''(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0.5,#000000,1,#ffffff))[YOU DID IT!!!]'']</span>
Allow yourself to enter the tomb and portal beyond the liminal space.
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Reach your lover|Reach your lover]]
(bg:(gradient: 0, 0.0096,#e619e5,0.7102,#3bc9db,1,#000000))+(text-style:"sway")[[END|Front page]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What happened the first time you met Ranjha in the village?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_094d7a00ad2b46668fbddf263927609c~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_652,y_34,w_700,h_2643/fill/w_205,h_775,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Ee-reeh%20png%205.png" width="275px" height="1000px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Heer: Secret 2]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "Who did you think about most yesterday and why?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:black)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Mirza: Secret 2]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What do you really think about Valmiki people?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Sohni: Secret 2]](set: $name to "")
(put:(prompt: "What happened in 2017?",$name) into $name)
(text-colour:cyan)[(print: $name)]
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Next...?|Sassi: Secret 2]]<span style="font-size: 200%">(align:"=><=")[''WRONG'']</span>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_dc7a0a7c51634702843db9999d86c7ae~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_911,w_2048,h_1821/fill/w_600,h_534,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ooh-rah%20png%206.png" width="1000px" height="850px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Try again|Baatein H: 1]]<span style="font-size: 200%">(align:"=><=")[''WRONG'']</span>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_dc7a0a7c51634702843db9999d86c7ae~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_911,w_2048,h_1821/fill/w_600,h_534,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ooh-rah%20png%206.png" width="1000px" height="850px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Try again|Baatein M: 1]]<span style="font-size: 200%">(align:"=><=")[''WRONG'']</span>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_dc7a0a7c51634702843db9999d86c7ae~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_911,w_2048,h_1821/fill/w_600,h_534,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ooh-rah%20png%206.png" width="1000px" height="850px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Try again|Baatein So: 1]]<span style="font-size: 200%">(align:"=><=")[''WRONG'']</span>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_dc7a0a7c51634702843db9999d86c7ae~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_911,w_2048,h_1821/fill/w_600,h_534,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ooh-rah%20png%206.png" width="1000px" height="850px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Try again|Baatein Sa: 1]]<span style="font-size: 200%">(align:"=><=")[''WRONG'']</span>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_dc7a0a7c51634702843db9999d86c7ae~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_911,w_2048,h_1821/fill/w_600,h_534,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ooh-rah%20png%206.png" width="1000px" height="850px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Try again|Baatein H: 2]]<span style="font-size: 200%">(align:"=><=")[''WRONG'']</span>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_dc7a0a7c51634702843db9999d86c7ae~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_911,w_2048,h_1821/fill/w_600,h_534,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ooh-rah%20png%206.png" width="1000px" height="850px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Try again|Baatein M: 2]]<span style="font-size: 200%">(align:"=><=")[''WRONG'']</span>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_dc7a0a7c51634702843db9999d86c7ae~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_911,w_2048,h_1821/fill/w_600,h_534,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ooh-rah%20png%206.png" width="1000px" height="850px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Try again|Baatein So: 2]]<span style="font-size: 200%">(align:"=><=")[''WRONG'']</span>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_dc7a0a7c51634702843db9999d86c7ae~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_911,w_2048,h_1821/fill/w_600,h_534,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ooh-rah%20png%206.png" width="1000px" height="850px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Try again|Baatein Sa: 2]]<span style="font-size: 200%">(align:"=><=")[''WRONG'']</span>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_dc7a0a7c51634702843db9999d86c7ae~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_911,w_2048,h_1821/fill/w_600,h_534,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ooh-rah%20png%206.png" width="1000px" height="850px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Try again|Baatein H: 3]]<span style="font-size: 200%">(align:"=><=")[''WRONG'']</span>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_dc7a0a7c51634702843db9999d86c7ae~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_911,w_2048,h_1821/fill/w_600,h_534,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ooh-rah%20png%206.png" width="1000px" height="850px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Try again|Baatein M: 3]]<span style="font-size: 200%">(align:"=><=")[''WRONG'']</span>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_dc7a0a7c51634702843db9999d86c7ae~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_911,w_2048,h_1821/fill/w_600,h_534,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ooh-rah%20png%206.png" width="1000px" height="850px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Try again|Baatein So: 3]]<span style="font-size: 200%">(align:"=><=")[''WRONG'']</span>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f3719_dc7a0a7c51634702843db9999d86c7ae~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_911,w_2048,h_1821/fill/w_600,h_534,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ooh-rah%20png%206.png" width="1000px" height="850px"/>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Try again|Baatein Sa: 3]](bg:black)[Let us remind you of your background...]
<span style="font-size: 75%">[Sent away by your parents in hopes for a better education, at another family home is where you meet Sahiban. Ignoring academics, instead you turn to archery and unexpectedly become an expert at shooting arrows of both love and war. With your compact frame and soft hands, everyone can see you’ve fallen in love with someone to similar to you, and it’s a problem. Your plans together are to elope, but you’re being followed...
''To reunite with Sahiban, you must share some secrets with us to grant your Foreveral.'']</span>
(text-style:"emboss","buoy","expand")[[Go on...?|Raags explain forverals to Mirza]]