Welcome to Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022
Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022 is a programme designed to inspire and encourage meaningful cultural exchange between the UK and Hong Kong’s visual arts sectors and to forge enduring partnerships.
This builds on the success of our pilot festival in 2020.
Since then:
- nine UK visual arts organisations have developed partnerships with nine organisations in Hong Kong to create unique projects
- encouraging exchange between more than 43 artists and over 160 students, in and from each place
A public online festival – from 26th September until 9th October 2022 – curated and shaped by and with the partner organisations – provides an exciting culmination to the programme.
Collaboration through a distributed leadership model
What is so important in Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022 is that the partners have worked together for mutual benefit; each creative process has emerged through discussion, exploration and learning about each other.
The partners and the artists have used their creativity and ingenuity to collaborate – from live performance with digital exchange, to postal exchange to working together in gaming or other digital environments.
The collaborative processes themselves are part of a journey of developing a meaningful partnership and the distributed leadership model was used to develop Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022 in recognition that collaboration takes many forms.
How working remotely leads to meaningful and sustainable partnerships, and cultural exchange
Of key importance in Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022 is contemplating how the visual arts sector can continue to be outward facing and international whilst considering the future of our planet and the need to reduce our impact on it. Also, building on learning from the Covid pandemic experience, none of the participants has travelled to the UK or Hong Kong. A series of online webinars and discussions have enabled nine very different partnerships to form but each with a shared commitment to supporting emerging artists to develop their international networks and profile.
Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022 culminating online festival – 26th September to 9th October 2022
Come and join Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022 and our partners and artists for our culminating online festival. We look forward to sharing our individual and collective journey of:
- international exchange through new digital artworks
- live performances
- presentations and open discussion
A festival symposium will also bring together partners, artists and external speakers to explore, investigate, and consider how remote working can – and does – lead to meaningful and sustainable partnerships, and cultural exchange.
We’d love you to join us. See you there!
Lindsay Taylor, University of Salford Art Collection, and Sarah Fisher, Open Eye Gallery
Chinese Version
歡迎登入 Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022
Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022是一個鼓勵創意先行的英港雙邊藝術交流計劃,並希望能透過視覺藝術作為媒介建立持久合作伙伴關係
這建基於2020年同名(先導)計劃(pilot festival)的成功經驗
開放的網上藝術節—由2022年9月26日 至 10月9日—這9對英港合作組織分別帶領及策劃—終極成果隆重登場
Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022著重配對組織之間的合作,創作過程中,雙方透過討論、分析探討、互相學習,相得益彰
共同創作的過程本身,就成為是次雙邊交流計劃的重點,多元化的藝術計劃正正突顯Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022「分散形主導合作模式」的意義
如何遙距地促使有意義、有效益、可持續的伙伴關係 及 文化交流
Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022的關鍵,是利用視覺藝術元素,表達對未來的關顧和探討如何減低對地球生態的破壞。受疫情影響,英國和香港的參與藝術家及人員沒有進行實體交流,反而透過網絡會議及相互討論,9對英港合作組織落實推介及支持新晉藝術家發展其藝術計劃 及 國際網絡。
Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022網上藝術節終極成果—2022年9月26日 至 10月9日
歡迎踴躍參與,支持Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022網上藝術節、支持我們的合作藝術組織、支持我們推介的藝術家。我們期待與各位分享個別藝術組織 / 藝術家 / 伙伴之間的創作心路歷程:
‧講座、分享 及 公開研討
Lindsay Taylor, University of Salford Art Collection, and Sarah Fisher, Open Eye Gallery